Thursday, November 20, 2008

B.O. - maybe they are ignorant...

Today, I decided that I'm going to do a few of my friends a favor and write on this irritating and annoying, but could be a taboo topic of BO. Or otherwise known as body odour.

I was happily walking through a long corridor on my way back to my office when one of the door opened and out came a waft of air. And along with it, an unpleasant smell. The distinct type that was easily identified as BO. Ew! shucks!

Haven't these people heard of such a thing called deodorant?

I remember in my previous company, two of my close friends, AL and LO had the misfortune to be sitting next to an immaculately dressed (and nice) man who has/had (he may have discovered this and rectified it) a BO issue. And although I stayed away from having to visit them, I had to endure stories of this over lunch and breakfast for nearly two years. yucks! Ofcourse there were stories to tell because AL happened to be pregnant and had morning sickness which were not helped at all by the BO.

BO is universally unpleasant. But why didn't people who are suffering from this do anything to overcome this? Could it be that they are unaware? Hmmm.... it makes me wonder...

Would I want to go through life being smelly? Would you? In this situation is ignorance blissful?

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