Saturday, January 10, 2009

Where friends come together...

Friday night saw me hosting a get-together-cum-house-warming for a dear group of old friends. Fridays are typically not a my favorite day or rather night for a lot of things after work, as, fridays usually would turned out to be a rather busy day for me. Work to finish before the week ends, etc. etc. (the king n i?)

There were ChongSing & HwaSiew & their 2 sons, Angie & CK & their 2 daughters, Kenny (with his arm sling) & MuiKeok, Jonathan and WeiNien. This was easiest the biggest group I have ever hosted, other than the gathering of aunts, uncles & cousins during the school hols. Being such a big group, we ended up sitting and chitchat-ing on the floor.

OK, I was a bit apprehensive about hosting the event due to the size, but it turned out alright. I had fun catching up, and I think everybody had fun just fooling around. I'm not sure about MuiKeok, though. She seemed kind of quiet. Anyhow, hope she wasn't too bored.

We had the birthday cake for ChongSing, CK and Kenny to blow candles but it turned out that Kenny lied about his birth date!!!

And they got me an IRON! Exactly what I needed....

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