Thursday, October 2, 2008


I heard of some plans to come over to my place for swimming during this public hols but the plan didn't panned out. Not too sure why. Could be due to me being away from my cubicle Monday and Tuesday, and that kinda hampered the planning efficiency.

However, I did managed to get two swimming sessions yesterday and today. I started with ten laps yesterday and upped it to twenty laps today. There were only a few other people in the 'adult' pool, hence, I had a good time swimming without bumping into anybody. (I was swimming at 11 am). The water was not too cold and not warm. Thankfully no floating objects. It was clear. My new goggles worked find. I re-discovered the joy of swimming laps. Still not anywhere near how much I used to swim but this was a start.

Since the rediscovery, I've been trying to read up (google) swimming for fitness. One of the advice given is to alternate different strokes to work out different muscles. This one is impossible for me. Sigh! Sigh! Not sure if I want to add this to my list of to-do-things...

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