Saturday, February 21, 2009

Balance and Fairness of this Girl-Boy (Woman-Man) Thing

This is my analysis (I can't help it, analyzing things is what I do) on this whole dating and relationship stuff.

It seems the balance of relationship is always not on the side of the person who feels more (more often than not, it's the women). At first, it had been whirling in my mind for a while that the man always seems to have the upper hand. Then, when I looked around, I do have man-friends who are as equally as powerless in this thing we called 'relationship'. So, I guess in my previous relationships, I had been the one who had more vested (atleast emotionally) in the whole thing. But I believe in the beginning, it had been more on the side of the guys since they had to do the chasing, ehm, the courting, or whatever ppl wants to label it, and what a chase it was. So much energy and time and resources were invested by the guys to convince the gals that this is what they wanted. It was fun, I'm assuming on both parties had fun, else it wouldn't have ran its course to a full bloom relationship.

Then, came the 'talk'. It could be difficult or as easy as, 'I'm feeling really good about this, are you ok with me?'. Haha! Ofcourse, the easiness or difficulty of it all was all in my mind, since, I'm the one who put the label. It's only difficult if I had to be the one to bring the topic up.

As the relationship progressed, somehow the balance of power changed sides. Sigh!

That's my two-cents for now.

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