Saturday, March 14, 2009


I have been going through things that I have in life and seeing all the blessings I have. Wondering if I appreciated them enough, or I was taking them for granted, unconsciously. Wondering if in trying to keep my appreciation, I was happy doing those things. It's such a tough balance trying to keep things in perspective. Keeping people who matters in my life happy and keeping myself happy in the process.

Then, to me a simple life should be happy, but it's an effort to keep life simple. We had a whole life of conditioning of acquiring things and possessing things and this and that, that keeping a minimalistic style is an effort.

1 comment:

kilikulu said...

I have been trying to have less possesion on material thing. As I thought I'm doing it quite well, one day I realised that I may success in keeping material thing at minimal but , I'm collecting and possessing a lot of "emotional" and won't want to let that go. So I come to conclusion that living a simple life not only about keeping less material thing but also emotional wise. ALl the best to both of us in the effort to live a simplier life.